Tuesday, December 30, 2014


If you know me, you know how much I hate "New Years Resolutions". Like I just don't get the point of them. They're always good intentioned but rarely followed through with, and if you really wanted it, you would have started in July rather than January.
It being the new year is motivation for a new start I guess so props to everyone who's trying.
My grandmother challenged me to write and share 5 new years resolutions of mine, so here they are:

1. Do things for me.
So often, I pressure myself into doing things I have absolutely NO desire to do because I want to please everyone else and I'm scared of offending them. BUT I've begun to learn that I can't always do that and that at some point, I have to put myself first and that's going to start now.
I'm going to do stuff for me, and worry about pleasing myself before anyone else.

Life gets crazy, and sometimes, all I want to do is sleep, but I know I need to take 10 minutes and talk to my Maker, so I'm going to *try* do a devotion everyday. 

3. Runnin
It's pretty typical to have a "lose weight" resolution, but I'm not really trying to lose weight anymore -- I just want to be healthy and enjoy life. So I'm resoluting to once it gets warmer (heaven knows I'm not running in 20 degrees), I want to run every day for 30 days and make it a habit. If the every day part doesn't work then at least 4 times a week and really just push myself to a new personal best.

4. Me.
I struggle with my self confidence and I'm honestly just really insecure all around. I over critisize myself on everything from my handwriting to my calves to my picky shopping. I critique myself constantly and I want to change that. Every morning, I'm going to resolute to say one good, positive thing about myself and just have a good mindset going into the day, and also say one thing at night that I was prpud of or liked that I did that day, and start to boost myself up instead of tear myself down.

5. Smile.
I try to smile and be light hearted all the time, I really do, but so often, I just get so frustrated so quickly. 2015 is going to be filled with more smiles and I'm going to embrace the little quirky weird things my family does and just go with it. 

In addition to these 5 resolutions, Nana challenged me to write down 5 tangible goals of 2015 and 5 non-tangible goals of 2015 and then next December 31, see if I achieved them all.

1. Get my driver's liscence
2. Pay it forward at least twice
3. Get a chaco tan
4. Finish sophomore year with all As and finish first semester of junior year with all As
5. Be on Snowball Lead Team/Sunday Student Lead Team

1. Smile more
2. Complement people more
3. Spend less time on electronics when I'm with people
4. Never text and drive
5. Love myself

2015's going to be good. I can feel it.


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