Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas Tour Buses

If you know me at all, you know I'm pretty well known for meeting celebrities and attending too many concerts...and exam week is no exception. Why let exams get you down and make you boring when there are singers to meet and songs to be sung??

So Emma and I completely ditched studying and made our way down to Hendersonville, where there were celebrity tour buses. There were over 60 of these buses in the parking lot, and my goodness, it was massive. The buses all came for Christmas For Kids, a charity that helps provide underprivileged kids with gifts for Christmas, and the tour buses were one of the ways they raised money.

Hunter Hayes just so happened to be there, and we definetly waited for an hour in the cold and rain to meet him, but it was so worth it.
He came around and talked with everyone, and Em and I talked to him about one of his new songs for a few minutes.
We've seen and met Hunter before, so we obviously like him, He never fails to impress with his passion for music and people, and it never gets old to still see the spark in their eye for music.


ps- HH>studying for chemistry exam

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