Saturday, July 12, 2014

Agency D3- VBS 2014

"Always be ready to tell everybody what you know about Jesus."  1 Peter 3:15

I can name countless bible verses and stories that I've learned from both working Vacation Bible School and attending since I could walk, but this year was different. Every year, Lifeway out does themselves in coming up with themes and songs and games and crafts for VBS for hundreds of churches to do across the country, and mine was no different. VBS this year was amazing to put it simply. I was blessed to work with a group of ladies that I've worked with since 6th grade, making this my 5th year to work with them. Each and every lady has a heart of pure gold and I look up to them in every single way as role models and friends. 
Sure, it was great to get to play with 3 year olds until I was exhausted and dying inside, but there was a much deeper meaning for me this week. 
Over these past few weeks, ever since Beach Camp, I have been realizing that my mission field is right here. My mission field is right here in Nashville, Tennessee. God has just opened my eyes to see so much more brokenness in my own home than I could ever have imagined. Living in the bible belt has hardened my heart in a way. I just assume people go to church because there's churches on every corner. You go to church on Sunday and then out to lunch with your grandparents- that's just what you do here. A lot of the time, one of the first questions I ask a new person is "where do you go to church?"
With Beach Camp and VBS, I've learned that there is a major difference between going to church and knowing Jesus personally and having a savior who walks you through life. There is a gigantic difference that I wouldn't want anyone to not know or not have the opportunity to know. I've noticed recently that at church, our youth pastor talks about knowing Jesus and the difference in life in Christ and life in the church, which is something most people don't know the difference of. They don't realize that there is so much more than going to a building, sitting and listening to some man teach about a long passage in the bible, and then going to lunch. They don't know that and that's so crazy to me. 
More than a few times, I have been referred to as the "church girl" or the "Jesus freak" by some of my closest friends, and in the moment, I was offended or caught off guard, but now I realize that was an opportunity from God that I missed. It was a chance I missed to share with my friends about that I'm proud of being the "church girl" or the "Jesus freak." I should be proud that they know that I know Jesus and that they know they can to come to me if they have any questions about staring a relationship with Jesus. 
Our theme verse this week that the whole curriculum revolved around was 1 Peter 3:15. "Always be ready to tell everybody what you know about Jesus."  This stuck out to me in a way that the VBS curriculum hasn't before. Lifeway writes their curriculum with kindergartners through 5th graders in mind, but this spoke to someone who has long out grown the VBS material. 
One of my biggest fears is not knowing what to say when people ask me questions about Jesus or that I'm going to mess up trying to say something or I'm going to quote scripture wrong or something like that, and because of that, I'm timid around my nonbeliever friends. But then one night this week, Joshua 1:9, a verse that I learned in like 4th grade came through my devotion. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 
"Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
I'm not supposed to be scared to talk to my friends about Jesus and what he did. I'm supposed to be ready and eager, and this week opened my eyes to that. It opened my eyes to be bold and to be out going in my faith.  Isaiah 41:10 also came up when I was flipping through the journal I keep from devotionals and sermons and mission trip trainings. "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
If that's not comforting, I don't know what is. The creator of heaven and earth and everything in it will strengthen me and will help me and will hold me. Why should I be scared if He is with me?
This week has just opened my eyes in new ways to look around me and to proclaim the gospel to my friends and to "always be ready to tell everybody what I know about Jesus."

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