Friday, January 16, 2015

Sick of School

So I'm at home..because of the flu...for the third day.
Super fun, right? 
My fever broke yesterday morning, but just to be safe I stayed home today as well, but that is three days of makeup work I will have to complete on Tuesday. Three days of tests and quizzes and worksheets and reading and notes that will be expected to be made up in a three day time span in addition to keeping up with my regular school work that will be piled on top of that. 
That is a lot of work, and when I found out I was running a fever and was becoming sick, I had a minor panic attack over all of the work I was going to miss (and at at this point I was assuming I'd be back after only being out one day). I thought about all of the lectures I was going to miss and flat out freaked out. Falling behind, especially in classes that you're not very strong in, is never good. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
But the whole point of this post is not to say that I think we have too much work. I honestly do think majority of the work teachers give us are to help us learn and prepare us best they can for later whenever we may use it (even if that is only on some standardized test at the end of the year).
I didn't feel good on Monday and Tuesday, but missing school with minimal symptoms of any sickness besides a cold was not a good enough reason to miss school and have to have all the makeup work in my opinion. I wasn't willing to stay home and rest and get better because I was going to miss too much at school. 
I was willing to physically suffer so that I could maintain academic excellence. 
If that doesn't say anything about how our education system puts too much pressure on excelling in school, I don't know what will.

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