Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Man With My Heart

As the celebrations for Father's Day come to an end, I got to thinking about I don't think I tell my dad how thankful I am for him.
I honestly can not think of the last time I told him how truly glad I am that he is my dad, and that fills my heart with guilt.

So for something that is long overdue, I'd like to introduce you to my dad.

Ever since I was little, I've call myself a daddy's girl. I'd run after his hand in parking lots and wait for him to sprinkle "pixie dust" on me before going to sleep. Everything he did, I wanted to do, and everything he liked, I wanted to like. From music to food to teams, if he did it, I wanted to do it, and he always willing let me tag along.

Though he is not always right, Daddy always gives me a new perspective and advice on anything I could need. A big decision about school or drama with friends, he always reminds me to take a step back, breathe deep, and remember the big picture. 

His words alone do no justice about the impact he has had on me. He's also been an example of what kind of man I need to look for, and he has also let me know that I'm not to settle for just anyone. Protecting, lighthearted, understanding, thoughtful, and encouraging come to mind of the first traits he has taught me. 

He's taught me how to love first and foremost though. I can't count the number of times I've become frustrated, left in a huff, and come back to his open arms, completely forgiven and accepted.

To give you a little insight on his life and where his white hairs come from, he grew up in Brentwood and roamed the same roads I do. In college, he got an internship at a sound company (that's a funny story actually) and later got signed with a sound company that did fairs and tours all across the country. For over 10 years, he toured with various artists and made them sound good to your ears. After marrying my mom, he toured a little more, but decided to leave the life of tour buses and monitors and come home for good about the time I was born.

After touring, he worked at Dell for a little bit, and eventually, he opened his own computer repair company. He also became a sheriff's deputy a few years ago, and absolutely loves it. He definitely has a heart for helping people, and I think he is where I get my love of helping from.

I also think I get my love of sports, country music, preparation and UT from him, and I know for a fact that I get my stubbornness from him.


If I were to describe him, I would call him cheesy, and intelligent. He's pretty good at "dad jokes" and always trying to find a new solution to a problem. He uses lots of common sense and every skill available to him. Many people have called him a "modern day MacGuyver" and that's very  rightfully so. He can make something out of nothing, and never ceases to amaze me.

He's awfully good at making things up on the spot, and I think one of my favorite memories was because of this. When I was little and wouldn't sleep, he would spray "pixie dust" on me and without any more resistance, I would be out, as shown below. I think the "pixie dust" also works on him because I swear he can fall asleep anywhere, any time.

We may but heads, but at the end of the day, he is one person I always can go to that I know will accept me with open arms. If I didn't have him as my dad, there is no way I would be who I am today. 

Thank you for all the time spent waiting in the car, afternoons on the golf course, hours listening (and critiquing) concerts. You are the best dad out there,


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