Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday Treasures

September 1, 2015
I know last week didn't have a Treasures, but I have good reason as to why...for those who didn't know, I turned 16 last Tuesday, which only added things to do and places to go to my ever so busy schedule, leaving no time to blog :(

Over the month of August, I had to read a lot of books, but they were books for school and not my choice. Sin and Syntax is just not my kind of book. Weddings by Bella on the other hand... I'm a sucker for a good, cheesy romance novel, and that is exactly what Thompson wrote. The 4 book series is full of laughter, love, and lots of pastas. Bella Rossi is an adult who is trying to figure out how to manage her family's wedding company while also searching for love. Born into a first generation Italian clan, Bella's roots and habits are very different from the culture of Texas that is around her, so when a couple wants a "boot scootin wedding," Bella is met with a problem and a handsome cowboy. I  swooned throughout the books when they talk about him..I just love good ole southern boys who love Jesus, their mamas, and George.
Whether your from the heart of Texas or from Florence, Italy, you're sure to enjoy hanging out with the Rossi clan through all of their adventures. 


All four books are available through Amazon. 
Book 4: That's Amore

Much like any other families, my family has our own birthday traditions. With my maternal grandparents, we have a dinner of any foods we want (for example: french toast, green bean casserole, ambrosia, and banana pudding for dessert). With my paternal grandparents, we go out to a birthday lunch wherever we want. We typically go out to lunch with them anyway, but we are so bad about going to the same place from week to week (Logans). I decided for my birthday that I didn't want Logans. I wanted the Cool Cafe. After realizing they were open on Sundays, it was decided.
The Cool Cafe is off of Hillsboro Road by Mack Hatcher in Franklin. It's a meat and three with some of the best fried chicken I have ever eaten.
They are known for their chicken, and Sunday was no different. Crunchy, crispy outside and moist, juicy inside. It was delicious. Their okra is also wonderful for those of you who don't like soggy okra either, Their cornbread also deserves honorable mention here because it was very nice, too. Not too dry, but still the traditional cornbread taste in a not so traditional square instead of muffin/
If you're ever out that way, you should definitely stop there. It's never too crowded, it's a relaxed atmosphere, and it's excellent food.
Cool cafe is just the coolest. 

Now being a real, stereotypical teenage girl, I love cheesy stuff. Especially when it is uplifting and encouraging other girls. One of the girls I follow on twitter posted a link to this article.  Comparison is the thief of joy! In these recent weeks, I've really paid attention to that, and noticed how much I compare myself to those around me, but after reading this, I decided 16 is going to be a year of no comparison. I'm never going to get anywhere if I keep comparing myself, so from here on out, I'm proud of who I am and what I've accomplished. And on the days I don't exactly feel this way, I'll fake it until I make it and eventually, I'll really believe it. And you should believe it, too. 

As with any birthday, is it really a birthday if you don't have cake? My other grandparents always have us over for dinner around our birthday and it is any meal we want. This year, it was "tantrum chicken" (aka western chicken), green bean casserole, and mac & cheese with Texas sheet cake and ice cream for dessert. But what you may not know is that Texas sheet cake is no regular cake. Texas sheet cake is far better, and you literally bake it in a baking sheet. It is less dense and the icing on it is thousands of times better than on a standard cake. Once you have Texas sheet cake, you will never go back to regular cake again. 
Betty Crocker actually has a very similar recipe to the one my grandmother uses.  The only difference is that Betty Crocker uses pecans in their icing, and we don't simply because we don't like pecans very much. The next time you have a birthday or a reason to bake, Texas sheet cake would be a nice change from the norm. 

For those of you wondering, I did pass my license test. The test administrator actually said I was an excellent driver, so no worries for you who drive the same roads of WilCo. 

Yes, I will drive safe. Yes, I will drive the speed limit. No, I won't text and drive.

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